lundi 7 février 2011

John Kerry prochain Secretary of State?

John Kerry n'aurait jamais obtenu la "promotion" qu'il souhaitait après toutes ses années comme sénateur du Mass. Selon STEVE KORNACKI de Salon, les apparitions fréquentes de Kerry à la télévision pour commenter la situation en Égypte confirment ses intentions de devenir le remplaçant d'Hillary Clinton.

It's hard to feel sorry for John Kerry. He wasn't exactly born into the American aristocracy, but his childhood wasn't marked by hardship, either. He spent summers in France at an estate owned by his mother's family (the Forbes), attended all the right schools, and even hung out on a yacht with President John F. Kennedy when he was just 18. But while he's risen high in American politics, it's also true that Kerry's four-decade public career has never quite amounted to what he hoped it would.

This is the context in which Kerry seems to be launching his latest -- and very possibly final -- push for a big career promotion. The five-term Massachusetts senator, who has chaired the Foreign Relations Committee since 2009, has been highly visible as anti-government protests have swept Egypt in the past two weeks. There was a well-received Op-Ed in the New York Times on Jan. 31, a "Meet the Press" appearance on Sunday and "a lot of headlines in between. Given that no one expects Hillary Clinton to stay on even if there's a second Obama term, the Boston Globe's Joan Vennochi wrote that Kerry "is running an unofficial campaign to become the next secretary of state." And, she added, "for once, he looks artful, as well as ambitious."

Kerry, of course, had hoped to head up the State Department two years ago, when Obama passed him over in favor of Clinton. Instead, he settled for the Foreign Relations gavel, which came free when Joe Biden handed it in to become vice president. It was hardly a bad gig, but it still amounted to a consolation prize. This has been a steady theme in Kerry's political career.

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