vendredi 8 juin 2012

Égypte et élections: des inquiétudes...

 Deux candidats qui représentent l'avenir et qui incarnent les changements demandés? Des doutes importants subsistent et certains en appellent au boycott du vote final.

 "Last month’s first round of presidential voting in Egypt produced two flawed, polarizing candidates: Ahmed Shafik, former President Hosni Mubarak’s last prime minister; and Mohamed Morsi, a functionary of the Muslim Brotherhood.

There are serious questions about both men’s commitment to the political and economic reforms that Egypt so desperately needs. And, given those choices, it is highly worrying but not surprising that a growing number of Egyptian voters and politicians are talking about boycotting this month’s final vote.

The electoral process is in chaos. The Supreme Constitutional Court does not plan to decide until June 14, two days before the election, whether Mr. Shafik could be disqualified under a law adopted by the Islamist-majority Parliament barring Mubarak-era officials from running. The court will also hear a challenge to the constitutionality of the law under which the Parliament was elected.

Last week’s verdict against Mr. Mubarak has already seriously damaged the courts’ credibility. The former dictator was sentenced to life in prison for failing to stop the killings of hundreds of protesters during last year’s uprising, but six top police commanders were acquitted. If, as many fear, the conviction is reversed on appeal, it would fuel more instability.

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