lundi 11 juin 2012

Ku Klux Klan: volontaire pour "Adopt A Highway"!

Plusieurs se demandent si le tristement célèbre Ku Klux Klan existe toujours. Non seulement existe-t-il, il est souvent très actif. Cette fois il se propose en Georgie pour aider à nettoyer un tronçon d'autoroute. Un peu de "publicité" en échange?

 "A Klu Klux Klan group in Georgia has applied for an Adopt-a-Highway permit, in the hopes of cleaning up a stretch of highway not far from the North Carolina border.

The International Keystone Knights of the KKK filed an application with the Georgia Department of Transportation (DOT) on May 21, asking to take care of mile zero through one of Route 515 in Blairsville. The Georgia DOT website states that “any civic-minded organization, business, individual, family, city, county, state, or federal agency is welcome to volunteer in the Georgia Adopt-A-Highway program.”

DOT officials are meeting on Monday with lawyers from the Georgia Attorney General’s office to go over the application. On the one hand, participation in Georgia’s Adopt-A-Highway program is declining. The Georgia DOT manages 18,000 miles of primary and secondary highways and tollways, spends millions every year cleaning up roadside trash, and needs all the help it can get. On the other hand, the International Keystone Knights of the KKK want to put a sign reading “IKK Realm of the GA Ku Klux Klan” on the side of a state road.

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