mercredi 6 juin 2012

L'Inde doit en faire plus en Afghanistan (Leon Panetta)

On prépare le retrait des troupes américaines. Le Secrétaire à la défense Leon Panetta presse l'Inde d'intervenir plus activement. Un contre-poids au Pakistan et à la Chine?

 "During a two-day stop in New Delhi, Panetta urged Indian officials to take a “more active role” in Afghanistan and tried to allay their concerns about a new U.S. strategy for Asia that aims in part to counterbalance China’s increasing influence and military power.

 The overture for increased cooperation comes at a critical period. After several years of ramped up military cooperation and U.S. defense sales to India, there is a perception from officials and analysts on both sides that the relationship has plateaued.

India is in many ways a linchpin for U.S. interests in the region, with its influence on volatile countries to its west and its shared concerns about China to its east, something Panetta highlighted in a speech in New Delhi on Wednesday.

“We have built a strong foundation,” Panetta said. “But for this relationship to truly provide security for this region and for the world, we will need to deepen our defense and security cooperation.”

 In Afghanistan, the United States until recently has encouraged limited Indian engagement, consisting largely of economic development, for fear of spooking its longtime rival Pakistan. But with the U.S.-Pakistan relationship at an all-time low, the United States appears to be pushing for deeper Indian engagement that includes training Afghan security forces on a larger scale.

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