mercredi 6 juin 2012

Obama "Call me baby"

 Montage d'Obama chantant Call me baby de Carly Rae Jepsen.

"Fadi Saleh created the video and said it took him about two weeks to do. “I go to the White House’s website and they actually have speeches that are all public domain and they have transcripts so I looked through there to find the words,” explained Saleh. “It’s almost as if the White House wanted somebody to do this because they’ve made it so easy to do so.”

 Every word in the Jepsen song has been used by Obama at some point in the past, making Saleh’s job fairly easy. In previous ventures, he’s had to get creative, as when Lady Gaga’s “Born This Way” featured a word Obama had never uttered: boudoir. “I was able to find all the words,” said Saleh. “I guess there’s some magical connection between Carly Rae and Obama.”"

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