jeudi 7 juin 2012

Obama en avance dans les swins states, mais à la traîne en Floride et en Ohio

 Obama peut l'emporter sans l'Ohio et la Floride, mais ce serait tellement plus facile avec un des deux! 

"President Obama leads a new poll of swing states from Purple Strategies by 2 points over Mitt Romney overall, but Romney has taken a lead in crucial Florida and Ohio.

The poll confirms what has long been expected — a tight contest in which the redrawn political map will be a major factor. “This marks the first time since January that the candidates were within 2 points of each other in these critical purple states,” the pollsters wrote. “Despite still trailing, Mitt Romney has reached his highest vote total since our tracking began in September of 2011.”

 The Purple Poll surveyed 2,000 voters in Colorado, Florida, Iowa, Minnesota, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Mexico, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia and Wisconsin. Obama led 48 percent to 44 percent in Purple Strategies’ April numbers.

But despite Romney’s gains, the electoral college map still presents challenges. Obama maintains leads in Virginia and Colorado, two states that could hand him re-election if he took them along with the historical contingent of blue states. Romney has improved elsewhere — he leads in the Purple Poll samples of Ohio and Florida — but even if he wins those two states and loses Virginia, he’d lose the election in almost all scenarios."

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