mercredi 6 juin 2012

Scott Walker survit au "recall"

Il est plutôt rare qu'on puisse chasser un Gouverneur avec cette procédure. Le cas de Scott Walker ne sera pas une exception à la règle. Ce résultat annonce-t-il des jours plus difficiles pour les syndicats? Cette victoire du républicain pourrait également être un indicateur que le Wisconsin ne constituera pas une victoire facile pour Obama en novembre prochain.

" With 53 percent of the vote, Mr. Walker soundly defeated Mayor Tom Barrett of Milwaukee, the Democrats’ nominee in the recall attempt, who had 46 percent, with most precincts across the state reporting results. The victory by Mr. Walker, a Republican who was forced into an election to save his job less than two years into his first term, ensures that Republicans largely retain control of this state’s capital, and his fast-rising political profile is likely to soar still higher among conservatives.

Here in Waukesha, some Republican voters said the result ended the most volatile partisan fight in memory, one that boiled over 16 months ago in the collective bargaining battle and expanded into scuffles about spending, jobs, taxes, the role and size of government, and more. Democrats, some of whom are already pledging to mount strong challenges for state lawmakers’ seats in November, seemed less sure about the meaning of Mr. Walker’s victory.

 “Tonight, we tell Wisconsin, we tell our country and we tell people all across the globe that voters really do want leaders who stand up and make the tough decisions,” Mr. Walker said, delivering a victory speech to supporters here. “But now it is time to move on and move forward in Wisconsin.”

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