mardi 5 juin 2012

Travail égal, salaire égal? Pas selon les républicains du Sénat

Il y a la question morale et les droits des femmes, mais je n'arrive pas non plus à comprendre le calcul politique à la veille des élections...

 "The Senate went back to the future on Tuesday.%% Republicans filibustered Democratic-led legislation aimed at closing the pay gap between women and men. The measure would beef up protections for women who sue employers for gender-based wage discrimination or discuss pay with their co-workers — and the GOP blocked it just as it did in late 2010 when the Paycheck Fairness Act last came up.

The cloture motion went down 52-47 — short of the 60 votes needed to proceed.

 “We already have on the books the Equal Pay Act, the Civil Rights Act and the Lilly Ledbetter Act, which I did support,” Sen. Susan Collins (R-ME) told a few reporters in the Capitol. “And I believe that they provide adequate protections. I think this bill would result in excessive litigation that would impose a real burden, particularly on small businesses. So I think existing laws are adequate.”

 For Democrats, the vote was a golden opportunity to strengthen their advantage with women voters ahead of the election. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) and the bill’s sponsor Sen. Barbara Mikulski (D-MD) invited Lilly Ledbetter, the face of the 2009 law, to the Capitol to make the case for the new legislation.

“I’m telling you folks, this is a national epidemic in this country,” Ledbetter said of unequal pay. Flanked by Reid and Mikulski, she criticized Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney for refraining from taking a stance on the bill. “He’s scaring me to death,” she said. “We cannot let [Republicans] take away the few privileges we’re earned.”

 “Women are mad as hell and don’t want to take it anymore,” said Mikulski.""

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