lundi 17 septembre 2012

Campagne de Mitt Romney: on change de stratégie!

Obama creuse lentement l'écart, particulièrement dans les "swing states"... On change de cap! Trop tard? Crédible? Romney le candidat du changement? On verra...

 "But with polls showing Obama for the first time moving clearly ahead in important swing states— most notably, Ohio—Romney advisers concluded they had to make a painful course correction.

 Stevens said the economy is likely to remain “the dominant focus” of the campaign. But ads and speeches will focus on a wider array of issues, including foreign policy, the threat from China, debt and the tone in Washington.

Stevens said the big, unifying question will be: “Can we do better on every front?” On Monday, Romney unveiled a new ad, “The Romney Plan,” that punches back at Obama’s consistent emphasis on growing the economy for the middle class, and emphasizes what the Republican would do.

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