vendredi 14 septembre 2012

Obama en avance en Floride, en Virginie et en Ohio (NBC et Wall Street Journal)

Intéressants ces sondages si on considère que les trois états sont des swing states.

 "The latest NBC/WSJ/Marist swing state surveys of Ohio, Florida and Virginia do not hold good news for Mitt Romney folowing the two weeks of party conventions.

President Obama leads Ohio, a crucial battleground, by seven points, according to the surveys. He leads by five points in the other two. And the undecideds are few.

The polls were taken from Sept. 9 through Sept. 11, during a window when national surveys have indicated a convention bump for the president. Romney's campaign has warned the media against reading too much into the post-campaign "sugar high."

 The Florida and Virginia numbers aren't such a wide divide.

 But the numbers in Ohio roughly match up with internal surveys conducted by both Democrats and Republicans recently, and it is a state where Romney's campaign knows it has a battle. The auto bailout and the ads from the pro-Obama super PAC slamming Romney's business record have had an impact, and the Republican needs a couple of things to happen, including a mistake by the president either in office, or at the debates next month.

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