mercredi 3 avril 2013

Jay Leno quitte, Jimmy Fallon le remplacera

 Je n'ai jamais été un grand fan de Jay Leno, lui préférant généralement David Letterman. Maintenant que Jimmy Fallon (que j'aime bien depuis sa prestation dans Fever pitch) entre en scène, je crois que NBC vient de gagner un auditeur! Le message de Leno à Fallon mérite d'être souligné pour sa grande classe.

 "On Wednesday, Jay Leno confirmed the rampant reports that he's once again departing "The Tonight Show," presumably for good this time.

He'll wrap up his 22-year run as host in spring 2014, with Jimmy Fallon officially signing on as his replacement.

 "Congratulations Jimmy," Leno said. "I hope you're as lucky as me and hold on to the job until you're the old guy. If you need me, I'll be at the garage." According to a statement from NBC, "As part of the transition, 'The Tonight Show' will be returning to its original home in 30 Rock in New York" from Leno's base of Los Angeles.

 New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo praised the move, saying in a statement "on behalf of all New Yorkers" that he's "pleased to welcome 'The Tonight Show' back to its first home." When it began in 1954, the "original 'Tonight Show' ushered in the modern era of television," Cuomo continued. "It is only fitting that as 'The Tonight Show' returns to our state, it will be headlined by New York's own native son and resident, Jimmy Fallon."

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