lundi 8 avril 2013

Obama: un héritage en suspend

Le Congrès reprend le travail cette semaine et plusieurs projets chers au Président sont dans la balance...

 "Obama will unveil what his team is calling a “compromise” budget on Wednesday, but Republicans and Democrats alike are already criticizing elements of the plan. The president’s effort on gun control might do no better than a watered-down bill destined to fail in the House, which Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) may bring to the floor as early as this week. Gun control advocates who had hoped for an assault weapons ban or other big reforms are bound to be disappointed by a strategy expected to allow for votes on those issues but don’t secure victories.

 And Obama’s push to overhaul the nation’s immigration laws — the best chance he has to enact a sweeping social policy change in his second term — still faces significant hurdles, even in the Senate, where chief negotiators have fallen behind schedule. The window for action on these issues will start to close as the 2014 midterm election cycle whips into full swing at the end of the year. After that, the next Congress figures to be colored by partisan posturing for the 2016 presidential election. The president and his aides say Republicans will determine whether gun control, immigration reform and a major deficit-reduction deal become law or fade away.

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