vendredi 5 avril 2013

"Renoir girl" démasquée: à qui appartient "On the Shore of the Seine"?

 Autre histoire rocambolesque autour d'une oeuvre d'art. Marcia “Martha” Fuqua est le nom de celle qu'on connaissait depuis quelques années sous le nom de "Renoir girl". Elle avait acheté dans un marché aux puces une oeuvre de Renoir qui s'est avérée être un original du célèbre peintre. Saisit par le FBI, le tableau aurait été volé en 1951 au Baltimore Museum of Art. La réalité dépasse parfois la fiction! Cet article du Washington post nous apprend que le tableau n'aurait pas été acheté dans un marché et qu'il aurait été en possession de la mère Marcia Fuqua depuis plusieurs années...

 "Someone who identified himself as Martha’s brother, Matt Fuqua, said he did know about the Renoir. But he seemed confused about its origins.

 “[My mother has] had it for a long time, probably 50 or 60 years,” Matt told The Post in an initial interview. “My girlfriend and her friends were cleaning out my mom’s studio, and my sister stepped in and said, ‘Wow, I want this.’ All I know is my sister didn’t just go buy it at a flea market. . . . My sister kind of snagged it out of my mom’s art studio.”

 Matt added that his mother and sister “are keeping me out of the loop. It was supposed to be mine,” he said.%% But when a Post reporter called him a second time, he said he had just spoken with his sister and was changing his account. “She said, ‘Matt, you don’t know what you’re talking about. I got it at a flea market,’ ” he said. “I don’t know the facts.”

 He demanded that The Post share what it knew about the Renoir. Then he asked not to be quoted and hung up. When a Post reporter called him a third time, Matt said someone else posing as him had answered the interview questions and “has been arrested.”

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