jeudi 9 mai 2013

Cleveland: viols et enlèvements pour Ariel Castro (New York Times)

 Il ne faut pas avoir le coeur trop sensible pour lire les conditions dans lesquelles vivaient les trois femmes enlevées par Castro. Une histoire horrible, des femmes femmes marquées pour la vie et un dangereux sadique. Profondément répugnant et triste...

 "It was typical of the outwardly mundane life Mr. Castro led, which apparently included outings with a daughter he is believed to have fathered with one of the captives. Meanwhile, inside his house on Seymour Avenue, the three women, who last celebrated birthdays with their families about a decade ago, saw year after year perversely marked by Mr. Castro’s serving of a cake on each woman’s “abduction day,” according to one victim’s cousin.

 On Wednesday, as new details of the women’s horrific ordeal emerged, Mr. Castro was charged with the rape and kidnapping of Amanda Berry, held 10 years; Gina DeJesus, held 9 years; and Michelle Knight, held 11 years. He was also charged with kidnapping the 6-year-old daughter Ms. Berry gave birth to, and the authorities said he would undergo a paternity test.

 In their years as prisoners, the women never left the house except for two brief visits to the adjacent garage, the police said.

 L'article au complet:

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