mercredi 8 mai 2013

Mariage gai: le Minnesota serait le prochain état à le reconnaître

 Un douzième état?

 "A bill that would legalize same sex marriage in Minnesota passed a major hurdle in the House Ways and Means Committee, last night... and now, some state lawmakers expect it to clear another.

 It passed yet another hurdle, earlier today, after the Senate Finance Committee reviewed its version of the bill's fiscal impact and decided to send it back to the floor for a full Senate vote.

 These votes come six months after the state voted against a constitutional amendment that would have banned gay marriage in Minnesota.

House Majority Leader Paul Thissen has said he would not bring the bill to a full House vote unless he was confident the votes were there to pass the legislation.%% Governor Mark Dayton has also said he would sign the bill into law, which would allow same–sex couples to get married starting August first.

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