lundi 9 septembre 2013

Espionner les Musulmans (NY Times)

Un éditorial qui dénonce des pratiques des services de police new-yorkais. Oui, le 11 septembre 2001 a changé les choses. Pas facile d'être musulman en Amérique du nord en 2013...

 "According to a recent Associated Press report by Adam Goldman and Matt Apuzzo, the surveillance operation designated at least a dozen mosques as terrorist organizations. The designation was used to justify open-ended “terrorism enterprise investigations,” circumventing court-imposed limitations on police investigations of constitutionally protected activities. The report is based largely on leaked police documents and interviews; though most of the documents date back a few years, recent court filings suggest such activities are continuing.

 Plainclothes police officers were sent to restaurants, cafes and other spots where groups of Muslims get together. The police files contain reports of casual conversations about political events and information about where Muslim New Yorkers go to play cricket and where to find the best kebabs and Middle Eastern pastries.

 In a move reminiscent of discredited police efforts in the 1960s and 1970s to spy on black activists and antiwar protesters, attempts were made to plant informants on the boards of mosques and a prominent Arab-American group in Brooklyn that helps new immigrants.

 L'éditorial au complet:

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