lundi 3 février 2014

Obama devrait-il imiter Lyndon Johnson?

Comment se comporter avec un Congrès composé majoritairement d'élus qui ne partagent pas les vues du Président? Obama devrait peut-être considérer les leçons de l'administration Johnson selon l'auteur de l'article.

 "American presidents become legislative titans only when stars and planets align—when great, popular causes or menacing crises command the nation’s attention; their own popularity is soaring, and their ideological allies control Congress. Johnson was a Cold War president in a unique moment of national accord, whose party held both the House and Senate, and was thus able to steer historic measures through Congress. Woodrow Wilson, Franklin Roosevelt and Ronald Reagan rode into office under similar circumstances. All scored early victories on Capitol Hill—met resistance, and turned their attention to foreign affairs.

 Now, as the most recent years of Barack Obama’s presidency have failed to yield success on a par with his early victories—his historic election, his measures to stave off depression, his passage of his health care law—exasperated liberals are reaching to history for a model of what they’d rather see. From the op-ed pages of The New York Times and other journals—and most recently, in an elegiac profile in The New Yorker—the question has been raised: Why can’t Obama be more like Lyndon Johnson.

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