lundi 3 février 2014

Super Bowl XLVIII: victoire de la Legion of boom

Un article qui souligne l'efficacité de la défensive des Seahawks, mais qui frappe sans ménagement les Broncos et Peyton Manning.

 "We haven't seen defensive dominance like this in decades. It was better than the 2000 Baltimore Ravens. Maybe even better than the 1985 Chicago Bears. Maybe better than anyone, ever. In one fell swoop, the Seattle Seahawks made a case for having the best defense of all time, while also destroying a legend.

Seattle 43, Denver 8. Peyton Manning's big-game legacy: doomed.

This is perhaps the most telling statistic to emerge from Super Bowl XLVIII and why the Seahawks won it: Denver had the best offense in football, but after the first quarter the Broncos had accumulated zero first downs and had run just seven plays for 11 yards. The Seahawks made a statement and that statement was, "We are whipping your butt."

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