dimanche 2 février 2014

Woody Allen le pédophile? La version de Dylan Farrow

La fille adoptive de Woody Allen a publié une lettre dans laquelle elle raconte avoir été victime d'agressions sexuelles de la part du célèbre cinéaste alors qu,elle avait sept ans. Elle est maintenant âgée de vingt-huit ans et elle agit pour ne plus baisser les bras et donner du courage aux autres victimes d'agressions sexuelles. La lettre de Farrow est commentée ici par Nicholas Kristof du New York Times qui reproduit l'intégralité du document sur son blogue.

 "Allen’s defenders correctly note that he denies the allegations, has never been convicted and should be presumed innocent. People weighed in on all sides, but one person who hasn’t been heard out is Dylan Farrow, 28, the writer and artist whom Allen was accused of molesting.

 Dylan, Allen’s adopted daughter who is now married and living in Florida under a different name, tells me that she has been traumatized for more than two decades by what took place; last year, she was belatedly diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder. She says that when she heard of the Golden Globe award being given to Allen she curled up in a ball on her bed, crying hysterically.

 With everyone else commenting, she decided to weigh in as well. (Full disclosure: I am a friend of her mother, Mia, and brother Ronan, and that’s how Dylan got in touch with me.) She has written a letter that I’m posting in full on my blog, nytimes.com/ontheground. I reached out to Allen several days ago, and he declined to comment on the record.


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