samedi 13 février 2016

George W. Bush à la rescousse de Jeb!

Signe que sa campagne bat de l'aile, Jeb Bush fait maintenant appel à son frère alors qu'en début de campagne il souhaitait se distancier de l'héritage familial.

 "In private and among friends, Bush and his wife, Laura, express amazement at an election season that has been hijacked by Donald Trump. At a get-together last month, Clay Johnson, a lifelong friend, recalled that he and Bush said to each other, “Can you believe what’s going on?”

“He, like everybody else in America, is taken aback,” Johnson said. He and Bush chewed over the race for 30 minutes, including the rise of Bernie Sanders on the Democratic side. Johnson said Bush told him he thought expectations for his brother, Jeb, were so low that he could rebound by springing a surprise in an early state — a place like South Carolina."

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