lundi 11 avril 2016

Hillary Clinton et le FBI: les possibilités d'accusations sont minces...

Des accusations seraient bien sûr catastrophiques pour la candidate démocrate (et pour son parti!!!), mais les probabilités seraient bien minces.

 "The examination, which included cases spanning the past two decades, found some with parallels to Clinton’s use of a private server for her emails, but — in nearly all instances that were prosecuted — aggravating circumstances that don’t appear to be present in Clinton’s case.

The relatively few cases that drew prosecution almost always involved a deliberate intent to violate classification rules as well as some add-on element: An FBI agent who took home highly sensitive agency records while having an affair with a Chinese agent; a Boeing engineer who brought home 2000 classified documents and whose travel to Israel raised suspicions; a National Security Agency official who removed boxes of classified documents and also lied on a job application form."

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