mercredi 27 avril 2016

Ted Cruz se tourne vers Carly Fiorina pour la vice-présidence

Ted Cruz s'allie donc à son ancienne rivale dans la course à l'investiture républicaine. Assez pour provoquer un revirement et l'aider à se démarquer à la convention de Cleveland en juillet?

 "The hope within the campaign is that Fiorina will help Cruz in California, which will award 172 delegates on June 7. Fiorina is scheduled to give the keynote address at this weekend’s California Republican Party convention, speaking hours after Cruz takes the stage.

 The move comes at a time of growing desperation within Cruz circles. Some in the campaign worry that the Texas senator will lose Indiana on Tuesday and lose other key states in May, paving the way for a Trump nomination.

Cruz is campaigning fervently this week in Indiana, where primary rules award the winner most of the state’s 57 delegates. With Trump’s victories Tuesday night, and with most of Pennsylvania’s 54 unbound delegates leaning in Trump’s direction, Cruz needs success in Indiana and California if he has any hope of stopping Trump."

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