mardi 27 décembre 2016

Les Nations Unies un "country club"?

Les Nations Unies un simple club où on se rassemble pour passer du bon temps selon le Président élu Donald Trump? Il réagissait à la résolution qui condamnait les colonies d'Israël dans les Territoires palestiniens occupés. Si la sortie intempestive de Trump étonne, il y a tout de même matière à critiquer le travail de l'ONU depuis quelques années.

 "The United Nations has come under fire for years from critics on both the right and the left. Conservatives have attacked it for infringing on individual nations’ sovereignty as well as wasting resources, while many developing nations argue that most major decisions remain dominated by a handful of countries that were influential when the United Nations was established decades ago.

In recent years, some of its peacekeeping troops have been repeatedly accused of raping civilians they were sent to protect, and this August the office of U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-moon formally acknowledged that Nepali peacekeepers sent by the United Nations to Haiti six years ago inadvertently introduced an outbreak of cholera there, even as U.N. officials maintained they have legal immunity in connection to the epidemic. The disease killed thousands of Haitians in the wake of a devastating earthquake."

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