mardi 20 décembre 2016

Obama quitte avec un fort taux d'approbation

Paradoxe intéressant alors que Donald Trump vient d'être élu et qu'Obama s'apprête à quitter la Maison Blanche. Deux hommes, deux styles et deux visions très différents. Si les Américains appuient le premier président noir de l'histoire après huit ans, ils émettent cependant des réserves sur la solidité de son héritage politique.

 "Obama is set to leave the White House with a job approval rating only slightly below Reagan’s and Clinton’s. Currently, 58% approve of his job performance, while 37% disapprove. Obama’s job ratings have steadily improved over the last several months, and are the highest they have been since a short-lived bump in approval immediately following his re-election.

However, views of Obama’s job performance – as well as opinions of his historical legacy – are deeply divided along partisan lines.

Nearly nine-in-ten Democrats (88%) approve of Obama job’s performance, compared with just 15% of Republicans. That is a wider partisan gap than in George W. Bush’s job approval rating eight years ago (60% of Republicans approved, just 6% of Democrats) or Clinton’s in January 2001 (85% of Democrats approved, as did 35% of Republicans)."

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