mardi 27 décembre 2016

Obama croit qu'il aurait battu Trump

Pour ce que ça vaut (comme la candidature était impossible, il s'agit plus d'un jeu que d'une véritable réflexion), je crois également que Barack Obama aurait vaincu Trump. Son bilan se défend sur bien des points et il n'a pas la réputation sulfureuse du couple Clinton pour lui nuire. Obama avance que l'équipe d'Hillary a peut-être freiné trop tôt en pensant que la victoire était dans le sac, je crois plutôt qu'on a sous-estimé la frustration des électeurs et les nombreuses réserves au sujet de Bill et Hillary qui ont toujours maintenu un flou autour de sujets importants. Vous aurez deviné que Donald Trump de son côté assure qu'il aurait vaincu le président sortant.

 "Obama stressed his admiration for Clinton and said she had been the victim of unfair attacks. But, as he has in other exit interviews, Obama insisted that her defeat was not a rejection of the eight years of his presidency. To the contrary, he argued that he had put together a winning coalition that stretched across the country but that the Democratic Party and the Clinton campaign had failed to follow through on it.

 “I am confident in this vision because I'm confident that if I — if I had run again and articulated it — I think I could've mobilized a majority of the American people to rally behind it,” the president said.

“See, I think the issue was less that Democrats have somehow abandoned the white working class, I think that's nonsense,” Obama said. “Look, the Affordable Care Act benefits a huge number of Trump voters. There are a lot of folks in places like West Virginia or Kentucky who didn't vote for Hillary, didn't vote for me, but are being helped by this . . . The problem is, is that we're not there on the ground communicating not only the dry policy aspects of this, but that we care about these communities, that we're bleeding for these communities.”

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