vendredi 20 avril 2018

Divulgation des mémos de James Comey

Depuis la parution du livre de James Comey on assiste à des tentatives de récupérations partisanes et les alliés du président remettent en question sa crédibilité. La divulgation des mémos de Comey, rédigés alors qu'il est toujours directeur du FBI, jette une douche d'eau froide sur les critiques du livre. Ne sachant pas encore qu'il sera congédié et qu'il ne pense aucunement à rédiger un livre, le directeur du FBI dépeint un portrait sombre de l'entourage présidentiel. Ses notes rédigées au moment où se déroulent les événements ont déjà été acheminées à Robert Mueller. Si y on apprend rien de bien nouveau, on constate que ce que Comey écrit ou dit depuis est conforme à ce qu'il y a dans ses notes. 

"On the question of whether Comey actually leaked classified material, as Trump has repeatedly asserted without evidence, the memos suggest he did not. A group of House Republicans has also referred Comey to the Justice Department for prosecution on that basis, and Representative Matt Gaetz, a Floridian who is close to the president, declared victory, saying some of the memos contained classified information. Comey, meanwhile, has repeatedly insisted that the memos he provided to Dan Richman, the Columbia Law professor, were not classified. Richman did not provide the memos directly to reporters, but read them to them.

There are memos in the tranche that were classified, and some that were released Thursday with redactions. But as Jeremy Stahl details in Slate, the material that Richman shared with the press all comes from memos that were always unclassified. (Comey seems to have been highly conscious of the sensitivity, writing in one, “because this is an unclassified document, I will be limited in how I describe what I said next.”) Stahl theorizes that the assumption that Comey leaked Richman classified documents seems to rest entirely on a Fox News report that states that Richman received four memos. "

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