mercredi 18 avril 2018

La présidence Forrest Gump

Dans le New York Times de ce matin Jennifer Finney Boylan récupère une déclaration d'un élu républicain qui comparait Donald Trump à Forrest Gump. Jouant le jeu de la comparaison, Boylan nous laisse un papier à l'avantage de Gump!

 "The two men have another thing in common too. Forrest Gump, one day, decides to “go for a little run.” He runs from coast to coast, gradually amassing a crowd of followers. Reporters want to know what his motivation is — is he running for world peace? For women’s rights? For the environment? For animals? For nuclear arms?

“They just couldn’t believe,” he says, “that somebody would do all that running for no particular reason.”

Mr. Trump, after descending a golden escalator, went for a little run too — for president. Why was he running, reporters wanted to know? Did he really want to be the nation’s chief executive, or was it just a stunt?

“I wanted to do this for myself,” he said.

As with Gump, no one could believe that somebody would do all that running for no particular reason. Now he’s stuck in a job that, according to at least some sources, he never really wanted in the first place.

Goddamn, son. Life is like a box full of subpoenas. You never know when you’ll get one."

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