lundi 9 avril 2018

L'échec d'Obama en Syrie: des coûts dramatiques

Le président Trump n'a pas tort quand il pointe en direction de l'administration Obama dans le dossier de la Syrie. Si on ne peut imputer au président démocrate toute la responsabilité du fouillis syrien, le bilan du tandem Kerry-Obama montre des lacunes importantes.

 "The deal’s failure to prevent attacks like this was evident even before last April, when sarin gas killed roughly 100 people in the Syrian town of Khan Sheikhoun. By then, Assad’s renewed campaign of chemical attacks, involving the use of chlorine in barrel bombs, was well underway. But sarin was explicitly prohibited, and those weapons were supposed to be out of the country. The deal, The Atlantic’s Jeffrey Goldberg wrote at the time, “was not a complete failure, in that [chemical-weapons] stockpiles were indeed removed, but Assad kept enough of these weapons to allow him to continue murdering civilians with sarin gas. The argument that Obama achieved comprehensive WMD disarmament without going to war is no longer, as they say in Washington, operative.”"

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