samedi 16 juin 2018

Harvard discrimine-t-elle les Américains d'origine asiatique?

Un regroupement poursuit l'Université Harvard parce qu'elle accorderait systématiquement de moins bons résultats aux étudiants d'origine asiatique pour certains indicateurs des tests d'admission. Voudrait-on artificiellement limiter le pourcentage de ces étudiants pour faire grimper celui des autres groupes? Le jugement de cette cause pourrait bien avoir des retombées majeures et pas seulement pour Harvard.

 "The court documents, filed in federal court in Boston, also showed that Harvard conducted an internal investigation into its admissions policies in 2013 and found a bias against Asian-American applicants. But Harvard never made the findings public or acted on them.

Harvard, one of the most sought-after and selective universities in the country, admitted only 4.6 percent of its applicants this year. That has led to intense interest in the university’s closely guarded admissions process. Harvard had fought furiously over the last few months to keep secret the documents that were unsealed Friday.

The documents came out as part of a lawsuit charging Harvard with systematically discriminating against Asian-Americans, in violation of civil rights law. The suit says that Harvard imposes what is in effect a soft quota of “racial balancing.” This keeps the numbers of Asian-Americans artificially low, while advancing less qualified white, black and Hispanic applicants, the plaintiffs contend."

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