jeudi 21 juin 2018

Le retrait des États-Unis met en évidence les lacunes du Conseil des droits de l'homme

Si on a déploré le retrait américain du Conseil des droits de l'homme, il faut également souligner que malgré des objectifs honorables ce regroupement souffre de certaines lacunes. Pour assurer une représentation géographique équitable on laisse participer certains pays dont le bilan au chapitre au chapitre du respect des droits de l'homme est pour le moins discutable. L'attitude américaine est ferme et on ne peut que souhaiter que ce poids des Nations-Unies réintègre les rangs du Conseil, mais les objections soulevées sont légitimes.

 "Consider the current members of the Council: Venezuela, where President Nicolas Maduro has strangled the political opposition and free speech; the Philippines, where President Rodrigo Duterte’s policies have resulted in extrajudicial killings of suspected drug dealers; Ethiopia, where a state of emergency in place since February gives the government draconian powers that it wields liberally; Cuba, where the idea of human rights have been discarded for decades; Hungary, where Prime Minister Viktor Orban’s policies have targeted the media, the opposition, civil-society groups, and immigrants; Saudi Arabia, where widespread abuses and arbitrary arrests continue; China, which has long stifled dissent; and Egypt, which has effectively banned any criticism of the government.

Amid this, the U.S. departure was not unexpected. Last year Haley said that unless there were changes within the Council, the U.S. would “pursue the advancement of human rights outside of the Council.” She repeated those remarks Tuesday, noting: “For too long, the Human Rights Council has been a protector of human rights abusers.”

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