lundi 23 juillet 2018

Donald retirera-t-il les habilitations de sécurité des anciens chefs des renseignements?

En colère contre l'ancien directeur de la CIA John Brennan, Donald Trump songerait à retirer les habilitations de sécurité de plusieurs anciens chefs des divers services de renseignements. Plusieurs d'entre eux interviennent régulièrement dans les médias et ils sont souvent critiques du comportement ou des déclarations du chef de l'exécutif. Si le président des États-Unis dispose du pouvoir de révoquer ces habilitations, il ne le fait pour ainsi dire jamais.

 "It’s unclear on what grounds the White House could try to take away the former officials’ clearances. It’s also unclear how much preparation they did before making this announcement. McCabe’s spokesperson Melissa Schwartz, for example, tweeted that McCabe no longer has a clearance. “Andrew McCabe’s security clearance was deactivated when he was terminated, according to what we were told was FBI policy,” she wrote on Twitter. “You would think the White House would check with the FBI before trying to throw shiny objects to the press corps…” Hayden told The Atlantic that although he occasionally gets called back in to the agencies to offer his perspective on something, he doesn’t attend classified briefings. “Won’t have any impact on what I say or write,” Hayden said. He added that the president “has absolute authority” to revoke clearances."

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