mardi 17 juillet 2018

Donald Trump embrasse-t-il le nouvel ordre mondial de Vladimir Poutine?

Je ne crois pas me tromper en affirmant que bien des analystes tentent de trouver une logique au comportement du président face à la Russie de Vladimir Poutine. Voici un point de vue sur le site de POLITICO.

 "For Trump, who often expresses his views on trade and economics as a zero-sum game, his friendliness toward a country or region can be measured by the degree to which they are seen as an economic threat to the U.S., experts noted. By that measure, Europe and Canada are far scarier than Russia — despite it being at the center of years of Republican attacks on Democrats over security issues.

Though Trump has long expressed affection for authoritarian rulers, it’s the degree to which Trump is eroding U.S. relationships with other countries around the world that is leading some to call for the resignation of his top officials and commanding the focus of spurned foreign leaders."

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