samedi 14 juillet 2018

Robert Mueller au coeur du complot?

Alors que Robert Mueller déposait hier douze nouvelles accusations, on apprenait que le piratage du Parti démocrate par des Russes a débuté au moment même où Donald Trump demandait dans un de ses discours enflammés que la Russie dévoile le contenu des quelques 33 000 courriels perdus d'Hillary Clinton... Il y a parfois de ces hasards dans la vie...

 "The president was encouraging a foreign adversary to illegally hack into messages by a former secretary of state that might contain sensitive information, then release them publicly.

Trump had good reason to believe that Russia was listening. The previous month, his son, Donald Jr.; son-in-law, Jared Kushner; and campaign chairman, Paul Manafort, had a meeting at Trump Tower with Russians who they believed were offering damaging information about Clinton. (The meeting wasn’t revealed to the public until 2017, and both the Russians and the Trump campaign officials say no dirt was exchanged.) Prior to the meeting, Trump Jr. had received an email stating that the meeting was “ part of Russia and its government’s support for Mr. Trump.”

Mueller’s indictment offers new evidence that Russia was listening—and acting on Trump’s request. The indictment charges 12 officers of the GRU, Russia’s military-intelligence agency, with hacking intended to interfere with the election."

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