dimanche 25 août 2019

"Stand your ground" à l'épreuve en Floride: l'accusé condamné

Il y a un peu plus d'une semaine je mentionnais cette cause en Floride. Un homme blanc s'en remettait à la loi qui lui permet d'utiliser une arme s'il se sent menacé. Il avait abattu le petit ami d'une femme avec qui il se disputait alors que l'homme, noir, n'était pas armé. Même après avoir invoqué la légitime défense, le juge a mentionné la loi "stand your ground" dans son jugement. En condamnant le tireur le juge contribue à ce que désormais on déplace le fardeau de la preuve vers le tireur. 

 "Drejka, who did not testify, said in an interview with detectives played for jurors that he “always” carried his gun and had a “pet peeve” about the illegal use of handicapped parking, according to the Associated Press. He said he often scoured for handicapped stickers and placards at the convenience store, and authorities say he accosted a truck driver over the same spot earlier.

Prosecutors said Drejka should have called police rather than escalate the situation on his own last July.

“He is a parking lot vigilante,” prosecutor Scott Rosenwasser said Friday during closing arguments, the AP reported.

Prosecutors accused Drejka of manslaughter — unlawful killing — rather than first- or second-degree murder, which involve premeditated violence or killing without regard for human life. The jury deliberated for more than six hours, at one point turning to the judge with confusion over the much-discussed stand-your-ground law, before weighing in at 10:41 p.m., according to the Tampa Bay Times."

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