lundi 28 mars 2011

Donald Trump Birth Certificate Released By Potential Presidential Candidate

Et il prétend être un candidat sérieux!!!! Le certificat de naissance d'Obama a été disponible en ligne et les autorités compétentes d'Hawaï reconnaissent la légitimité du document.

Vous excuserez cet écart d'une certaine réserve, mais la candidature de Trump est une gigantesque blague. J'ai hâte d'avoir plus de candidats républicains avec de la substance!!!!

Potential presidential candidate Donald Trump released his birth certificate exclusively to Newsmax on Monday, the news outlet reports.

An image of the document featured on the organization's website indicates that Trump was born at the Jamaica Hospital in New York on June 14, 1946.

"Trump questioned whether President Barack Obama was born in the United States during a phone interview on "Fox and Friends" on Monday morning. "He could have been born outside of this country," he said before asking, "Why can't he produce a birth certificate?"

Just last week, Trump found himself in a fiery exchange with Whoopi Goldberg while discussing the issue during an appearance on "The View." Here's the background on the drama that went down:

Trump appeared on the ABC show last week and set Goldberg off by saying that there was "something on [Obama's] birth certificate that he doesn't like." Goldberg called this "the biggest pile of dog mess I've heard in ages" and asked, "it's not 'cause he's black, is it? ...Because I've never heard any white President asked to be shown the birth certificate."
On Monday's "Fox and Friends," Trump struck back. Asked if his comments had anything to do with race, he said, "absolutely not. I like Whoopi. I've always had a good relationship with Whoopi...but frankly, I mean, I think that's insulting that she brings up--what does that have to do with race?"
Trump said on Monday morning that the president's birthplace is an issue that has him "really concerned.""

He told Newsmax it took him only an hour to get his birth certificate. "It's inconceivable that after four years of questioning, the president still hasn't produced his birth certificate," he said. "I'm just asking President Obama to show the public his birth certificate. Why's he making an issue out of this?"

Politico's Ben Smith notes:

As I wrote earlier, an official copy of Obama's birth certificate -- the same thing Trump would have to prove his own birth -- has been available and online for more than three years.
UPDATE: Ben Smith reports that the document released by Trump on Monday does not appear to be the potential presidential contender's official birth certificate. Officials told Politico's Maggie Haberman that if it were, it'd be marked with the seal of the Department of Health, as well as the signature of the city registrar, which do not appear on the image of the document posted on the Newsmax website.

Officials said the city Health Department is the "sole issuing authority" of official birth certificates in New York, and that the document would clearly say so, and "city officials said it's not an official document."
Smith notes that the document offered by Trump was likely given by the hospital to his family.

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