jeudi 24 mars 2011

Hom sweet home: Obama de retour à la maison...

Sur le site de Politico... Il n'y a rien comme revenir chez soi et relaxer. Autant les démocrates que les républicains veulent des explications!

"Returning to Washington Wednesday after a tour of South America, President Obama encountered a perhaps familiar pattern from his five days overseas: his decision to launch a “no-fly zone” to protect Libya’s pro-democracy rebellion trumped the trade and diplomatic accomplishments of the trip.

Moments before Obama landed at Andrews Air Force Base, House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) released a letter harshly criticizing U.S. participation in the United Nations-sanctioned aerial assault, questioning the rationale for it and demanding accountability. Boehner also scolded the White House for bypassing Congress and instead seeking international permission to launch the mission against Libyan dictator Muammar Qadhafi’s forces."

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