lundi 11 juin 2012

Obamacare: les hôpitaux n'attendent pas le jugement de la Cour suprême

 Au-delà des débats théoriques et des querelles politiques...

 "It was the first Monday in June, counting down to a United States Supreme Court decision that could transform the landscape of American health care. But like hospitals across the country, Maimonides is not waiting around for the verdict.

Win, lose or draw in court, administrators said, the policies driving the federal health care law are already embedded in big cuts and new payment formulas that hospitals ignore at their peril. And even if the law is repealed after the next election, the economic pressure to care differently for more people at lower cost is irreversible.

 “If the Supreme Court overturns this law — I pray it won’t — the world will go on changing,” Ms. Brier said. “In some ways, we’ve changed ahead of it.” But she added, “Trying to manage all these different aspects of the health care system as they are changing does make you crazy.”"

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