mardi 21 août 2012

Hussein Mao-bama!

Je suis toujours étonné de constater que certaines critiques à l'endroit du Président Obama refusent de mourir. Ainsi, Benjamin Smith peut se permettre de qualifier son président de communiste tout en continuant de remettre en question ses origines... Il est porte-parole d'un organisme qui se prétend indépendant!

 "Benjamin Smith, a spokesman for Special Operations OPSEC Education Fund Inc. — the group attacking President Barack Obama for taking credit for the operation that killed Osama bin Laden — has called Obama “Commander-in-Chief Hussein Mao-bama” and has questioned whether he is a Muslim or a citizen of the U.S.

Smith has also posted articles suggesting that the late conservative media provocateur Andrew Breitbart was murdered and posted his support for Republican congressional candidate Ilario Pantano, who was accused in a double murder as a Marine in Iraq.

OPSEC’s extensive ties to the Republican party had already been well documented, but an anonymous webpage has been collecting highlights from Smith’s Facebook page that show the former Navy SEAL expressing some controversial opinions.

Smith, who did not respond to Foreign Policy’s request for comment, also wrote after Obama’s 2012 State of the Union address that Obama must have used “some bad tan lotion because he looked like an old bruised Banana which made me think that Harry Belafonte was walking out to give his rendition of ‘Day-O’ before ‘ole’ suck and blow’ was to come out and enlighten us with his blasphemous spew.”"

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