mardi 11 septembre 2012

11 septembre: des commémorations plus intimes pour plusieurs

La majorité des commémorations seront plus modestes cette année. Réduire la taille des évènements ne signifie cependant pas pour autant qu'on va oublier. "Across the country, the elements of a Sept. 11 anniversary commemoration have become familiar, from the World Trade Center site in Manhattan to the Pennsylvania field where United Flight 93 crashed to the dozens of New Jersey towns with neighbors to mourn. After the commemorations reached a peak of sorts for last year’s 10th anniversary, a sprinkling of communities have decided to scale back — prompted, they say, by a growing feeling that it may be time to move on.

 Nearly every ceremony will be smaller this year, even at the epicenter of the attacks. In a move that has drawn some controversy, Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg has stripped the New York ceremony of its presidents, governors and other politicians, who have in the past read literary or religious passages. Instead of Yo-Yo Ma, James Taylor and Paul Simon, bagpipers and a youth chorus will provide the music.

 The National Cathedral in Washington hosted President George W. Bush, Archbishop Desmond Tutu and the Dalai Lama for prayer services in the two years after the attacks and in 2011 held a three-day commemoration featuring President Obama. This year, it will simply offer prayers during regularly scheduled services on Tuesday.

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