mardi 11 septembre 2012

Musée du 11 septembre: une entente pour redémarrer les travaux?

Une dispute opposant le Maire Bloomberg et le gouverneur Cuomo. Enfin une solution et le début des travaux?

 "After nearly a year of discord and delay, Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg and Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo reached an agreement on Monday to resume construction of the Sept. 11 museum at ground zero in Manhattan.

 In negotiations over the weekend, aides to Mr. Bloomberg and Mr. Cuomo resolved longstanding disputes over which government agencies would pay for the costs of the museum and which officials would oversee it. Gov. Chris Christie of New Jersey then agreed to the arrangement.

Mr. Christie and Mr. Cuomo share control over the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, while Mr. Bloomberg heads the Sept. 11 foundation, which oversees the national memorial and museum at the former World Trade Center site and the annual commemoration.

 “I’m very gratified that on the eve of this important anniversary we are able to announce an agreement that will ensure the completion of the 9/11 museum,” Mr. Bloomberg said in a statement Monday night. He added that the agreement ensured that construction “will be restarted very soon and will not stop until the museum is completed.”

 The tentative resolution involves additional cash payments from the Sept. 11 foundation for construction costs, closer coordination among the parties and the creation of an advisory committee to resolve disputes.

The museum, dedicated to documenting the attack and honoring its victims, had been scheduled to open in a formal ceremony on the attack’s 11th anniversary on Tuesday, but construction work largely stopped after the 10th anniversary. Both sides say they are now hoping that the museum, which sits seven stories below street level, will open by the end of 2013, as Mayor Bloomberg’s term ends. Construction is expected to resume by the end of the month.

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