lundi 17 septembre 2012

Monica Lewinsky: un livre à vendre...

On ne sait trop ce que l'ancienne stagiaire de la Maison Blanche a rédigé et les rumeurs vont bon train.

 "But might Lewinsky — who comes across in several old interviews as bright, engaging and sensitive — bypass auto-bio altogether and go straight to self-help guide, thus enabling others who’ve brought personal catastrophe on themselves to learn from her own attempts at image-rehab, esteem building and re-branding? Or will she pen a racy Washington roman a clef? A bi-coastal chick-lit comic romp? A young adult novel wrapped around a cautionary tale? A manual for starting a small business, then coping with failure when said venture — in her case, a line of handbags — goes bust? "

 L'article au complet:

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