mardi 22 mars 2016

Bruxelles: les candidats républicains somment le président de rentrer ou de se rendre à Bruxelles

Déjà on assiste à un exercice de récupération de la part des candidats républicains, particulièrement Ted Cruz, à la suite de l'attentat de Bruxelles. Déjà les opposants du président s'opposaient à sa présence sur l'île.

 "“What I hope he will say he's leaving Cuba and heading back to the White House he’s gonna begin to organize meetings with the leaders around the world and at the same time get himself in the position of where we can send teams of people immediately to Europe to begin to dig in terms of what we need to do to address the vulnerabilities we have,” the Ohio governor said. And Cruz, speaking to reporters in Washington, D.C., said that Obama should return home or go to Brussels.

  “We don’t need another lecture from Obama on Islamophobia,” he said.

“The people of America deserve a president who doesn’t grovel before a communist dictator who hates America,” Cruz said, referencing Cuban leader Raul Castro.

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