jeudi 17 mars 2016

Obama soutient discrètement Hillary Clinton

S'il ne se range pas encore officiellement derrière son ancienne rivale et collaboratrice, le Président demande aux généreux donateurs d'appuyer Hillary Clinton.

 "President Barack Obama is urging Democratic donors against supporting Bernie Sanders for the party’s nomination, telling them that the time has come to unite behind Hillary Clinton, two senior Democrats confirmed to POLITICO.

The New York Times first reported Thursday on Obama’s private meeting last week with Democratic National Committee donors in Austin, Texas, where the president acknowledged the shortcomings of his 2008 primary rival.

Although Obama did not call on Sanders to drop out of the race and did not explicitly endorse Clinton, according to the Times’ report, those in attendance told the newspaper that the president’s tone suggested urgency. And the Times also confirmed that Obama acknowledged that many Democrats were not "excited" about her candidacy."

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