dimanche 20 mars 2016

Obama et sa révolution cubaine

En politique étrangère Obama tend souvent la main plutôt que de durcir le ton. Il offre une chance de négocier plutôt que de recourir immédiatement à la force. C'est cette attitude qui lui a mérité un Nobel et c'est cette même stratégie qui l'a mené à s'entendre avec l'Iran. Le rapprochement avec Cuba figurera avantageusement dans le bilan de sa présidence. L'embargo ne sera pas levé avant son départ, mais on se souviendra de l'initiative du premier président noir de l'histoire.

 "The Cuba reopening is a snapshot of Obama’s approach the past seven years: an analytic rethinking of America’s interests and a pragmatism about how to achieve them, pursued despite political resistance and without much cooperation from Congress. Typically, it’s sparked a debate between supporters who see him breaking through calcified thinking and critics who say he’s willingly overlooked facts in order to gamble with abhorrent leaders for what would at best be shortsighted gains.

The detractors point to the dissidents arrested and rearrested in the days leading up to this trip, all while the Castro government has pushed back on the idea that Obama will be able to use the trip to get it to change. On the contrary, they’ve said, Obama’s arrival is proof that the human rights abuses they’ve been accused of must not exist, because otherwise he wouldn’t have come. But even that attests to the force of Obama’s presence. In Havana, the big deal isn’t just that an American president is visiting again, the first time since Calvin Coolidge arrived by battleship in 1928. It’s not that Air Force One has landed."


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