lundi 21 mars 2016

Obama a-t-il piégé Castro?

Une conférence de presse est une chose rare à Cuba et Raul Castro risque de se souvenir de celle d'aujourd'hui. Le dirigeant cubain a été pressé de questions sur lesquelles on ne l'entend presque jamais. L'administration Obama avait longuement négocié la participation de Castro aux échanges avec les représentants de la presse.

 "The negotiations went up to the final hours, and came down to White House officials counting on Cubans watching American movies and TV. U.S. officials pressed their Cuba counterparts early Monday morning, according to one American familiar with the discussions, and leveled with them — you’ve seen how this goes: The president finishes speaking and everyone shoots their hands in the air and the president takes a question. It'll be really embarrassing if your president is just standing there or walks out.

Just before the press conference, reporters were led in for a brief look at the bilateral meeting between the two leaders, the American and Cuban flags hanging behind them, the delegations facing each other on either side. Obama never does a great job of hiding how silly he thinks that kind of access is. Castro seemed to be picking up on that, saying through a translator as they posed for the handshake, “make them happy.”

By the time they moved into the press conference next door, Castro clearly wasn’t happy."

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