lundi 18 avril 2016

Obama, l'immigration et la Cour suprême

L'administration Obama a-t-elle dépassé les limites des pouvoirs de l'exécutif en matière d'immigration? La Cour suprême se penche sur la question aujourd'hui.

 "The administration contends that the states have no legal standing to sue because it is up to the federal government to set immigration policy and that the Department of Homeland Security did not violate federal statutes in devising the program.

The White House said it makes sense to concentrate on border security and deporting illegal immigrants who commit crimes, rather than deporting those who have made a life in this country and have connections through their children. It notes that the program does not provide a path to citizenship, and that even those who qualify for the program could be deported at any time.

One important question in the case is Texas’s legal standing to sue. District Judge Andrew S. Hanen agreed with the state that, because it would face a financial cost in providing driver’s licenses to those covered by the new program, it had standing to challenge the initiative."

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