mardi 31 mai 2016

Caricature Hillary et la "Lettre écarlate"


 Matson réfère bien sûr au célèbre roman de Nathaniel Hawthorne publié en 1850.

Caricature Trump et la sécheresse en Californie: solution?


Chronique à "Radio-Canada cet après-midi": Amish for Trump et la tante de Kim Jong-Un aux États-Unis

La chronique débute à 17h44 sur l'audio fil du 31 mai:

Caricature Ralph Nader...


 Ils sont nombreux à considérer que Nader a coûté la présidence à Gore en 2000, Bernie fera-t-il de même pour Hillary en 2016?

Caricature art de la guerre: une évolution


Caricature Trump et la sécheresse en Californie...


 Donald Trump a utilisé une formule maladroite pour aborder la question de la gestion de l'eau en Californie en affirmant qu'il n'y avait pas de sécheresse, mais il n'a pas tord sur le problème de la gestion de l'eau et des prix. Ils sont nombreux à critiquer les mesures insuffisantes du Gouverneur et les actions de la "Police de l'eau". Les efforts pour économiser l'eau sont encore inégaux selon les régions de l'état.

dimanche 29 mai 2016

Caricature Hillary et la théorie des dominos...


Caricature Memorial day de l'ère Trump


Caricature Memorial day 2016


Memorial day et Veterans day: quelle est la différence?

"The first official observance of Memorial Day was May 28, 1868, when flowers were placed on the graves of Union and Confederate soldiers at Arlington National Cemetery. According to the Department of Veterans Affairs:

 The ceremonies centered around the mourning-draped veranda of the Arlington mansion, once the home of Gen. Robert E. Lee. Various Washington officials, including Gen. and Mrs. Ulysses S. Grant, presided over the ceremonies. After speeches, children from the Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Orphan Home and members of the GAR [Grand Army of the Republic] made their way through the cemetery, strewing flowers on both Union and Confederate graves, reciting prayers and singing hymns."%%

"According to the U.S. Census Bureau, Veterans Day has its origins in the early 20th century. In November 1919, one year after the armistice ending World War I went into effect, President Woodrow Wilson declared Nov. 11 as the first commemoration of Armistice Day with the following words: To us in America, the reflections of Armistice Day will be filled with solemn pride in the heroism of those who died in the country’s service and with gratitude for the victory, both because of the thing from which it has freed us and because of the opportunity it has given America to show her sympathy with peace and justice in the councils of the nations. …"

Amish for Trump?

Décidément pleine de surprises cette campagne 2016! On croit que le vote en Ohio et en Pennsylvanie sera très tellement serré qu'on tente de récupérer un vote plutôt marginal, celui de la communauté Amish.

 "“I can tell you there is excitement in the air for Trump's candidacy,” read a recent email blast from the group disseminated by the 2016 Committee (subject line: “The Amish are excited for Trump.”). “Why? Amish folks realize that a Trump administration is sure to include strong conservatives like Newt Gingrich, Dr. Ben Carson and Sheriff Joe Arpaio in key roles.”"

Caricature Obama et l'accolade d'Hiroshima


 Obama a serré dans ses bras un survivant de l'attaque de 1945 âgé de 79 ans, Shigeaki Mori.

Caricature Obama confronte le passé à Hiroshima


Caricature Obama à Hiroshima avant la transition vers Trump


vendredi 27 mai 2016

Caricature Trump est le candidat républicain!


Caricature Jaba the Trump


La tante de Kim Jong Un vit aux États-Unis depuis 1998

Anecdotique, mais pas dénué d'intérêt...

 "Breaking their silence in the United States, Ko and Ri spent almost 20 hours talking to two Washington Post reporters in New York City and then at their home several hours’ drive away. They were nervous about emerging from their anonymity; after all, there are Americans who analyze North Korea for a living and do not even know that the couple are here.

They asked The Post not to publish the names they use in the United States or to reveal where they live, mainly to protect their grown children, who live normal professional lives.

Ko bears a striking resemblance to her sister, Ko Yong Hui, who was one of Kim Jong Il’s wives and the mother of Kim Jong Un, the third-generation leader of North Korea. And she had a particularly close relationship with the man now considered one of the United States’ top enemies: She took care of Kim Jong Un while he was at school in Switzerland.

But in 1998, when Kim Jong Un was 14 and older brother Kim Jong Chol was 17, Ko and Ri decided to defect. Ko’s sister, their link to the regime, was sick with terminal breast cancer — although she did not die until 2004 — and the boys were getting older. The couple apparently realized that they would not be needed by the regime much longer and fled, concerned about losing their privileged status.

Chronique à "Radio-Canada cet après-midi": le point sur la campagne et Obama à Hiroshima

Une chronique en deux temps: d'abord à 17h23 puis à 17h41 sur l'audio fil du 27 mai:

Obama à Hiroshima: cérémonies et discours

mercredi 25 mai 2016

Arrestations à Chicago: 99% des personnes arrêtées ne peuvent consulter un avocat

La situation est particulièrement tendue à Chicago et cet article présente des statistiques qui ne peuvent qu'envenimer les choses. Le maire Emanuel est confronté à un service de police qui abuse de ses pouvoirs et il a du pain sur la planche.

"Jones' story illustrates a sobering fact about the nation's third-largest city: In the past three years, less than half of 1% of people arrested in Chicago saw an attorney while in police custody -- a possible violation of their constitutional legal rights -- according to statistics provided by the Chicago Police Department after CNN filed a request under the Freedom of Information Act.

Last month a task force assigned by Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel issued a scathing report about the practices of the police force on this issue. The Police Accountability Task Force (PATF) found that "CPD generally provides phone access (to arrestees) only at the end of processing, after interrogation and charging" and "when individuals in custody attempt to invoke their legal rights to counsel, they report facing hostility from police."

Meanwhile, the city is on edge over escalating gun violence. While overall crime in Chicago has dropped in the past three years; murders in the city have skyrocketed. Police department data show that 216 people were killed in the city through May 15 this year, up from 133 during the same period in 2015. Shootings incidents were also up 60%."

Les Républicains espèrent toujours coincer Obama dans un scandale...

On parle souvent de polarisation pour la politique américaine et on ne se trompe pas. Cet article met en lumière une nouvelle tentative de Darrell Issa (photographie) pour dénicher un scandale impliquant l'administration Obama. Jusqu'à maintenant Issa n'a rien trouvé, mais ça ne l'arrêtera pas. Il vise cette fois la destitution d'un commissaire de l'IRS.

 "Now House Republicans are taking up the low-probability impeachment of the IRS commissioner — even though Koskinen wasn’t even working at the IRS until well after the behavior in question, the targeting of conservative political groups, had allegedly occurred.

Only three executive-branch officials have been impeached by the House in all of U.S. history, as my colleague Lisa Rein has noted: Presidents Andrew Johnson and Bill Clinton and a secretary of war. In 1876. The case against Koskinen is weak: The Justice Department declined to launch a prosecution, saying its investigation found no evidence that IRS officials acted on political motives. Both Justice and an inspector general first appointed by President George W. Bush cast doubt on lawmakers’ allegations that there was a conspiracy to destroy or hide evidence or hide it from investigators."

Caricature Obama à Hiroshima

Caricature de RJ MATSON, ROLL CALL

Caricature Dali et l'attente dans les aéroports


 Beau clin d'oeil de Sack aux célèbres montres molles de Dali

La persistance de la mémoire, 1931, Salvador Dali

Un drone et puis après? Les États-Unis, le Pakistan et l'Afghanistan

Le fait qu'Obama ait autorisé une frappe de drone dans un région du Pakistan qu'on évite habituellement suscite des questions au sein de l'équipe éditoriale du New York Times. Les Américains ont-ils atteint la limite de leur patience avec les dirigeants pakistanais? Va-t-on changer la stratégie en Afghanistan?

 "The fact that Mr. Obama has now ordered an attack in Baluchistan, rather than the border region where Pakistan has tolerated previous American operations, raises a big question: Does he intend to expand the American mission in Afghanistan, now focused on training and advising Afghan forces and ensuring that Al Qaeda cannot rebuild?

There are 10,000 American troops in Afghanistan, a number that is scheduled to drop to 5,500 by the end of the year. Military commanders appear likely to recommend against such a reduction. In Vietnam on Monday, Mr. Obama insisted that “we are not re-entering the day-to-day combat operations” that he declared an end to in 2014. But he is under pressure in Congress and elsewhere to significantly step up the fight. That would be a questionable choice for which he has not yet made a case."

Nagasaki dans l'ombre d'Hiroshima

On a beaucoup parlé de la visite d'Obama à Hiroshima, mais Nagasaki avait aussi été durement touchée en 1945. L'article souligne avec raison qu'on peut se demander pourquoi le Président Truman a décidé de larguer une seconde bombe...

 "That Nagasaki was bombed second has made it an afterthought in the history of and debate over nuclear weapons, even though many historians argue that the bombing was harder to justify precisely because it was a repeated act.

If one accepts President Harry S. Truman’s rationale that the Hiroshima bombing was necessary to force Japan’s surrender and end the war, the moral calculus for dropping a second bomb on a civilian population three days later is more contentious.

Close to 700,000 people a year visit the Nagasaki Atomic Bomb Museum, compared with nearly 1.5 million at the Hiroshima Peace Memorial, where Mr. Obama will lay a wreath on Friday.

Even in the office of the Nagasaki Atomic Bomb Survivors’ Council, a sticker on a cabinet illustrates the city’s secondary status — “No More Hiroshimas: End the Arms Race Now.”

Caricature heilshtag Donald Trump


Hillary a transgressé les règles selon un inspecteur du Secrétariat d'état

Un dossier qui risque de hanter la campagne Clinton jusqu'à la fin...

 "While the report concludes that the agency suffers from "longstanding, systemic weaknesses" with records that "go well beyond the tenure of any one Secretary of State,” it specifically dings Clinton for her exclusive use of private email during her four years at the agency.

 “Secretary Clinton should have preserved any Federal records she created and received on her personal account by printing and filing those records with the related files in the Office of the Secretary,” the report states. “At a minimum, Secretary Clinton should have surrendered all emails dealing with Department business before leaving government service and, because she did not do so, she did not comply with the Department’s policies that were implemented in accordance with the Federal Records Act."

Chronique à "Québec aujourd'hui" sur les ondes de BLVD 102,1: Vietnam, Freddie Gray et campagne électorale

Nos échanges de ce matin dans la section "Réécouter" du 25 mai:

Caricature Hillary aussi veut son mur!


mardi 24 mai 2016

Caricature Robert A. McDonald, liste d'attente des vétérans et Disney...


 Le Secrétaire américain responsable des vétérans de l'armée a eu une bien malheureuse comparaison lorsqu'on l'a interrogé sur la possibilité de réduire les files d'attente des militaires avant d'obtenir des soins: “The days to an appointment is really not what we should be measuring. What we should be measuring is the veteran’s satisfaction,” McDonald said. “What really counts is how does the veteran feel about their encounter with the VA? When you go to Disney, do they measure the number of hours you wait in line? What is important is, what is your satisfaction with the experience.” Cette déclaration a soulevé un tollé et certains politiciens demandent maintenant la démission de McDonald.

Caricature Bernie Nader


lundi 23 mai 2016

Caricature Prince et ses héritiers


Caricature Hillary, Bill et l'économie: we can do it!

Caricature de RJ MATSON, ROLL CALL 

 Matson récupère la célèbre affiche de "Rosie the riveteer" liée à la Deuxième Guerre Mondiale

Affiche de J. Howard Miller

Caricature Obama au Vietnam: levée de l'embargo, mais...


Chronique à "Radio-Canada cet après-midi": un autre embargo levé

La chronique débute vers 17h38 sur l'audio fil du 23 mai:

Trump et le réchauffement climatique: il n'y croit pas mais...

Comme pour bien d'autres dossiers il est difficile de savoir ce que pense vraiment Donald Trump. S'il pourfend ceux qui défendent la thèse du réchauffement climatique pendant la campagne électorale, cela ne l'empêche en rien de reconnaître l'influence de ce même réchauffement sur une de ses propriétés...

 "The New York billionaire is applying for permission to erect a coastal protection works to prevent erosion at his seaside golf resort, Trump International Golf Links & Hotel Ireland, in County Clare.

A permit application for the wall, filed by Trump International Golf Links Ireland and reviewed by POLITICO, explicitly cites global warming and its consequences — increased erosion due to rising sea levels and extreme weather this century — as a chief justification for building the structure.

 The zoning application raises further questions about how the billionaire developer would confront a risk he has publicly minimized but that has been identified as a defining challenge of this era by world leaders, global industry and the American military. His public disavowal of climate science at the same time he moves to secure his own holdings against the effects of climate change also illustrates the conflict between his political rhetoric and the realities of running a business with seaside assets in the 21st century."

Caricature Memorial Day aux États-Unis


 Si j'ai parfois des réserves sur des interventions militaires américaines et que le caractère guerrier de leur histoire est indiscutable, je suis chaque année impressionné par la place que les Américains accordent à leurs vétérans. Ils sont généralement soucieux de bien représenter le sacrifice des militaires et ils ne manquent pas de rappeler les efforts de ceux qui les ont précédés. Globalement je crois que leur "sens de l'histoire" est supérieur au nôtre. Une ombre à ce tableau? Si on se remémore les vétérans aujourd'hui ou que les films, séries ou documentaires soulignent leur héroïsme, le soutien réel offert aux militaires est trop souvent déficient. Si des politiciens aiment bien se draper dans un patriotisme parfois un brin "dégoulinant", ils devraient tous s'assurer que les soins sont au rendez-vous et que les listes d'attente soient plus courtes...

Caricature Trump-Miller 2016


 Cole s'amuse à relever le fait qu'il y a quelques années Donald Trump s'était inventé un personnage du nom de John Miller qui accordait des entrevues aux médias et vanter les mérites de... Donald Trump!

Les primaires et caucus selon John Oliver

samedi 21 mai 2016

Obama a la cote: il grimpe dans les sondages

Le taux d'approbation de Barack Obama est en hausse constante depuis le début de l'année. Satisfaction à l'égard de sa seule performance? Réaction au caractère un peu particulier de la campagne présidentielle? Obama pourrait bien quitter ses fonctions sur une note positive. Je l'affirme depuis un certain déjà, mais plusieurs de nos voisins du sud risquent de s'ennuyer du premier président noir...

 "Among the groups that have seen the biggest increases in approval of Obama since last May are Hispanics, people under 30, women and people who identify their political ideology as "independent." (This isn't the same as those who identify their party as independent. It's on the liberal-conservative spectrum, not the Democrat-Republican one.) There's probably some overlap between those independent people and young people, since younger Americans are less likely to pick an ideological label. The increase among Hispanics may also be linked directly to the presidential election."

Louisa Adams, la Melania Trump du dix-neuvième siècle

Mrs. John Quincy Adams par Charles Bird King, 1824

 Louisa Adams est toujours la seule "First lady" née à l'étranger, ce qui ferait de Melania Trump la seconde. Née à Londres en 1775, l'épouse de John Quincy Adams ne fut jamais pleinement considérée comme "totalement américaine", une caractéristique que les adversaires politiques ne manqueront pas d'exploiter.

 "The attacks on Louisa’s origins only intensified—and became more public—after her husband was elected president in 1824 and the couple moved into the White House. Supporters of Andrew Jackson, the U.S. senator from Tennessee who had run against John Quincy, immediately launched what would become their 1828 campaign—and this time they openly attacked John Quincy by attacking his wife, insinuating that Louisa was not a genuine American.

Louisa was sensitive to the implications and sought to insulate herself from them. After a rare visit to her relatives in Maryland, she wrote to them asking for anything in her uncle Thomas’ papers that might help establish her American lineage. “The electioneering canvas calls forth questions which make this a question of high importance to me,” she wrote. In 1827, a kind of campaign biography of Louisa appeared in the Philadelphia Evening Post—anonymously, but, as her critics charged, “manifestly written by Mrs. Adams herself.” Its goal, the article stated, was to put an end to the rumors that the president’s wife was not American and to establish, instead, that “Mrs. Adams is the daughter of an American Republican Merchant.”

Caricature tourisme égyptien


Caricature Bernie Sanders et le suicide politique


vendredi 20 mai 2016

Chronique à "Radio-Canada cet après-midi": Bernie doit rentrer dans le rang...

Une chronique en deux temps cette semaine, une première intervention à 17h17 et une seconde à 17h53 sur l'audio fil du 20 mai:

Bill Clinton la "machine à discours": que dit-il pour 285 000$?

Le couple Clinton est généreusement rétribué pour prononcer des discours privés, une pratique dont il n'ont pas l'exclusivité. Mais qu'obtient-on en échange de 285 000$ ou plus?

 "In Bill Clinton’s case, it turns out, you get a dose of the full, unplugged Bubba.

A transcript of a private $285,000 paid speech Bill Clinton delivered last year at the “China-U.S. Private Investment Summit” in Austin, Texas, obtained by POLITICO, offers a glimpse behind the curtain of the Clintons' controversial paid speaking gigs — and some insight into how the former president holds court out of sight of the press.

“Once I got a cartoon in the mail when I was fighting out that Whitewater business,” he reminisced in front of about 60 Chinese investors and 150 American businesspeople gathered to discuss bilateral investment opportunities in late March 2015 — two weeks before Hillary Clinton officially declared her candidacy. “And Jiang Zemin and I are sitting together at a state dinner, and in the first frame, I say to President Jiang, I said, ‘You know, you're doing great economically, but our country has more human rights.’ And he looked at me and he said, ‘Yes, and if you were the leader of China, Ken Starr would be in prison making running shoes.’”

A self-deprecating Clinton admitted of those scandal-tarred days of his presidency: “I saved that cartoon for a long time. I must say there were days when I wondered who had the better model.”

Bernie Sanders a été hypocrite et irresponsable: il devrait être honnête avec ses partisans (éditorial du Washington Post)

L'équipe éditoriale du Washington Post frappe fort ce matin. Et je crois qu'elle a raison. Les règles sont les mêmes pour Hillary Clinton et tout le monde les connaissait dès le départ. Un édito à lire au complet.

 "Mr. Sanders denies reality when he tells supporters he still has a plausible pathway to the Democratic presidential nomination. But passion cannot trump reality. It also cannot excuse violence, threats and attempts at mob rule. It is past time for Mr. Sanders to be honest with his supporters, before they take the campaign’s irresponsible ethos to greater extremes and thereby help ensure the election of Donald Trump."

Les Tours de Laliberté migrent: rejoignez-moi sur le site du Journal de Québec et du Journal de Montréal

Depuis un certain temps je me demandais comment faire évoluer mon petit carnet web. La réponse m'est parvenue par le biais d'u...