mercredi 25 mai 2016

Arrestations à Chicago: 99% des personnes arrêtées ne peuvent consulter un avocat

La situation est particulièrement tendue à Chicago et cet article présente des statistiques qui ne peuvent qu'envenimer les choses. Le maire Emanuel est confronté à un service de police qui abuse de ses pouvoirs et il a du pain sur la planche.

"Jones' story illustrates a sobering fact about the nation's third-largest city: In the past three years, less than half of 1% of people arrested in Chicago saw an attorney while in police custody -- a possible violation of their constitutional legal rights -- according to statistics provided by the Chicago Police Department after CNN filed a request under the Freedom of Information Act.

Last month a task force assigned by Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel issued a scathing report about the practices of the police force on this issue. The Police Accountability Task Force (PATF) found that "CPD generally provides phone access (to arrestees) only at the end of processing, after interrogation and charging" and "when individuals in custody attempt to invoke their legal rights to counsel, they report facing hostility from police."

Meanwhile, the city is on edge over escalating gun violence. While overall crime in Chicago has dropped in the past three years; murders in the city have skyrocketed. Police department data show that 216 people were killed in the city through May 15 this year, up from 133 during the same period in 2015. Shootings incidents were also up 60%."

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