lundi 23 mai 2016

Trump et le réchauffement climatique: il n'y croit pas mais...

Comme pour bien d'autres dossiers il est difficile de savoir ce que pense vraiment Donald Trump. S'il pourfend ceux qui défendent la thèse du réchauffement climatique pendant la campagne électorale, cela ne l'empêche en rien de reconnaître l'influence de ce même réchauffement sur une de ses propriétés...

 "The New York billionaire is applying for permission to erect a coastal protection works to prevent erosion at his seaside golf resort, Trump International Golf Links & Hotel Ireland, in County Clare.

A permit application for the wall, filed by Trump International Golf Links Ireland and reviewed by POLITICO, explicitly cites global warming and its consequences — increased erosion due to rising sea levels and extreme weather this century — as a chief justification for building the structure.

 The zoning application raises further questions about how the billionaire developer would confront a risk he has publicly minimized but that has been identified as a defining challenge of this era by world leaders, global industry and the American military. His public disavowal of climate science at the same time he moves to secure his own holdings against the effects of climate change also illustrates the conflict between his political rhetoric and the realities of running a business with seaside assets in the 21st century."

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