vendredi 13 mai 2016

Bernie Sanders frappe le mur: convention difficile à Philadelphie?

Le Parti démocrate réserve-t-il un traitement équitable à Bernie Sanders? Si le sénateur du Vermont ne peut plus rejoindre Hillary Clinton dans la course, il faudrait tout de même penser à le ménager et à considérer les idées de ses partisans pour ne pas perdre d'appuis avant l'élection présidentielle.

 "The most recent flare-up occurred last week, when Sanders publicly released a letter to Democratic National Committee chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz accusing her of stacking the deck against him on the convention's standing committees. “[W]e are prepared to mobilize our delegates to force as many votes as necessary to amend the platform and rules on the floor of the convention," wrote Sanders, several days after a tense phone conversation with the chairwoman.

According to a Sanders official with knowledge of the call, the senator demanded more representation on the committees but Wasserman Schultz would only assure him that he would have representation. A DNC spokesman declined to characterize the conversation and would only confirm that it took place.

For a party that's anxious to unite all its factions behind likely nominee Hillary Clinton after a long slog of a primary, it was an inauspicious — and worrisome — start."

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